Saturday, September 5, 2009

How to install the Scala plugin for NetBeans on a Windows XP

Install the latest nightly release of NetBeans 6.7.1
Download the latest nightly release of NetBeans 6.7.1 :
NetBeans 6.7.1 latest nightly
Install this release.

Install the latest nightly release of Scala 2.8.0
Download the latest nightly release of Scala 2.8.0 :
Scala 2.8.0 Nightly Builds
Scala Nightly Builds

Unzip in a directory on your hard drive.

Add environment variables

Click on the image to enlarge it.

Click on the image to enlarge it.

Click on the image to enlarge it.

Click on the image to enlarge it.

Click on the image to enlarge it.

Install the NetBeans Scala plugin
Start NetBeans.
Click on:
Menu / Tools / Plugins / Available Plugins

Click on the image to enlarge it.

Click on the image to enlarge it.

Click on the image to enlarge it.

Launching a HelloWorld test Scala application.

Click on:
Menu / File / New Project ... / Scala / Scala Application / Next / Finish
Run Main Project

This is what you get:

Click on the image to enlarge it.

Links to the Caoyuan Deng blog, Scala plugin author :

Scala Plugin for NetBeans - Rewrite in Scala #1: Almost Done

Scala Plugin for NetBeans - Rewrite in Scala #2: Supports Java/Scala Mixed Project

Scala Plugin for NetBeans - Rewrite in Scala #3: Ready for Beta Test

Scala Plugin for NetBeans - Rewrite in Scala #4: How to Use It to Develop Scala Itself

Scala Plugin for NetBeans - Rewrite in Scala #5: Refactoring Step One - Finding usages

Scala Plugin for NetBeans - Rewrite in Scala #6: Refactoring Step Two - Rename

Scala Plugin for NetBeans - Rewrite in Scala #7: Mark Override Method and Go to Super def

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

How-to AmiBroker MySQL ODBC driver.

Try to setting up a AmiBroker ODBC/SQL Data plugin, via MySQL ODBC driver.

It's here, to show what I have already did, and how I did it.
Maybe it can help someone.
Maybe someone can help me to go further.

My setting :
Windows 200 Pro
AmiBroker 5.03

Links :

You need to install a MySQL database and something to manage it.
I think the easiest way is to use something all-in-one.

There are :
Maybe other.

I choose :
I downloaded the Windows release.
Install WampServer.
It set a tray icon.
You have to left or right click on the tray icon to access to all the commands.

Start WampServer.
Left click on the tray icon.
Choose phpMyAdmin.

Create a new database table
Start phpMyAdmin
Create a new database, TestMySQL for example.
Choose testmysql.
Click on the SQL tab.
Copy and pass the following SQL code :

`OPEN` double NOT NULL,
`HIGH` double NOT NULL,
`LOW` double NOT NULL,
`CLOSE` double NOT NULL,
`VOLUME` double default '0',
`OPENINTEREST` double default '0',

-- Contenu de la table `s2`

('2006-01-07 08:01:00', 100, 112, 98, 110, 1000, 0),
('2006-01-07 08:02:00', 110, 122, 108, 120, 1000, 0),
('2006-01-07 08:03:00', 120, 132, 118, 130, 1000, 0),
('2006-01-07 08:04:00', 130, 142, 128, 140, 1000, 0),
('2006-01-07 08:05:00', 140, 152, 138, 150, 1000, 0),
('2006-01-07 08:06:00', 150, 162, 148, 160, 1000, 0),
('2006-01-07 08:07:00', 160, 172, 158, 170, 1000, 0);

Now you have a new Table named s2, with somes records for test purpose.

The MySQL ODBC Driver
Now you have to dowload and install the MySQL ODBC Driver :

I choose the Windows 32 one.

Start phpMyAdmin and add a ODBC user for your database.

Start / Execute / odbcad32.exe

Click the image to enlarge it.

Database settings / Configure
Click the image to enlarge it.

Start AmiBroker.
Create a new database.